Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey, DTM, AS, PRA
Creative Lead |
Welcome to our 2024 'In the Company of Leaders' webpage.
I have been an active Toastmaster for almost 34 years, serving many of them in various leadership positions. Joining Toastmasters was one of the most impactful decisions in my life. I found myself with a supportive family and in effect grew up 'In the Company of Leaders'. The leadership lessons learned turned out to be critically helpful while traveling the world working with leaders and their teams.
In 2008, we pulled together 40 top leadership speakers and authors to create 'In the Company of Speakers' when I was invited to keynote the Leadership Luncheon at the Toastmasters International convention held in Calgary.
We updated it in both epub and print versions in 2013 and 2014 for our 90th anniversary. We updated it again (October 2019) to celebrate Toastmasters International having its 95th anniversary.
This year (2024), we expanded it to 60 amazing experts and updated it to help celebrate our 100th anniversary as Toastmasters.
This is our gift to you, fellow Toastmasters, as you continue your leadership journey. We hope you will find it helpful as we enter our 2nd century serving our fellow Toastmasters!
This book is also our gift to anyone who aspires or is on a leadership journey. We are also reaching out to organizations who want to enhance the leadership skills of their members.
You can download a complimentary pdf or epub version for your personal use. Click on the appropriate link to download your personal copy.
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Thanks to my amazing friends and fellow authors: |
Dillip Abayasekara,
Stephanie Angelo,
Michael A. Aun,
Anne Barab,
John Blumberg,
Paul Bridle,
Marjorie Brody,
Andrew Bryant,
Joe Calloway,
Jim Cathcart,
Steve Chandler,
Paul Cherry,
Jim Clemmer,
Dale Collie,
Donald Cooper,
Wayne Cordeiro,
Chris Ford,
Greg Gazin,
Joyce L. Gioia,
Barbara Glanz,
Marshall Goldsmith,
Stacey Hanke,
Marc Haine,
Lou Heckler,
Tom Hollinger,
Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey,
Steven Iwerson,
Patricia Katz,
Charlotte Kemp,
Barbara Khozam,
Janet Lapp,
David A. Larson, Sr.,
Mark LeBlanc,
Wayne Lee,
Andy Lopata,
Lloyd Luna,
Jim Manton,
Linda Maul,
Eileen McDargh,
Stephen McGhee,
Patrick J. McKenna,
Brahm Memone,
Nancy Michaels,
Michel Neray,
Larry Ohlhauser,
Vilis Ozols,
Terry Paulson,
Randy G. Pennington,
Nido Qubein,
John Reinhart,
Rochelle Rice,
Sid Ridgley,
Sheryl Roush,
Mark Sanborn,
Joe Sherren,
Brian Tracy,
Jack Trout,
Phillip Van Hooser,
Cy Wakeman,
Neil Wilkinson
We so appreciate your willingness to share your leadership lessons and wisdom. You truly live the theme of this book. |
Please share this page url with your fellow Toastmasters as we'd love to see this gift go around the globe. And perhaps share with a leader who might recognize the benefits of Toastmasters for their team. You can help us make that happen!
Again, these complimentary copies are our gift to you. Thanks to our amazing faculity of 60 leadership experts who have shared their wisdom.
Feel free to enjoy it and please share it within your club or community. It is meant to be read and applied.
All the best
Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey, Creative lead
Egremont, Alberta, Canada
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