What you can expect from Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
preparation to on-site delivery, to after-presentation follow-ups, Bob
'Idea Man' Hooey is at your service and is 100% committed
to helping you and your team successfully achieve your results...
- Protect
your conference investment
- Leverage
your training dollars
- Equip
and motivate your leadership and employees to grow and
now to engage Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey and his innovative
Ideas At Work! for your next event. Success can be a simple call away.
(780) 736-0009

Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey, A/S
Canada's idea-rich leader in helping equip leaders and
their teams to grow and succeed.
professional standards and commitment to the success of our work together.In
preparation for our program together, you can expect me to:
Be available to 'fully' discuss your goals for my program.
- Find out more about your organization and the people, who will
be in attendance. Be better prepared to deliver solid value to
your people.
- Know your meeting theme, and ensure my presentation relates, reinforces
and builds on that theme.
- Investigate why your people would be interested in my Ideas
At Work! Tailor my comments
to maximize the value I bring to your organization and
- Work together with speakers' bureau, meeting planner and/or other
speakers to ensure your goals are achieved.
- Deliver biographical and program material, along with B&W
and/or color photo for inclusion in program brochure or promotional
material, in a timely manner.
- Ensure receipts for retainer and travel costs are sent in a timely
- Be available in advance of the event for radio phone-in interviews.
- Work with you to provide advance, teaser material and articles
to promote event, if desired
- Prepare a tailored value-added set of 'learning guides' for my program. Guides that reinforce and build toward the results
we've discussed.
PDF masters of learning guides and handouts will be provided at least two weeks prior to my engagement date. This
will allow you time to copy and use for our program together.
- In
event of PowerPoint or other graphic program being a part of our
program; a copy of that ppt will be emailed well in advance to ensure
compatibility with your on-site equipment.
- Notify
you in advance of my itinerary or other plans.
- Be flexible in travel and accommodation needs.
- Provide single all-inclusive price for my services, which
covers fee, transportation, and incidentals, if requested. (Most
clients cover accommodation directly.)
- Customized materials and companion workbooks are available at bulk rates, if desired. Call 1-888-848-8407 (Toll Free North America) for details
and quotation.
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on-site, you can expect me to:
- Notify you when I arrive at the venue, and contact you immediately should any serious delays come up en route.
- Be accessible to you and your people, while on-site.
- Time permitting, be available for on-site interviews or media
- Be honest and up front with you, 100% of the time. Visit
my customized 'Robert's
Rules' for more information on my values and criteria in working
with clients.
- Coordinate with set-up staff and fellow presenters, to ensure
my staging needs are compatible with overall needs. Make sure
I am a team player. Make suggestions to crew, if I see ways to
maximize audience impact by more creative use of lighting, sound
or staging.
- Check out the other speakers and your audience to ensure my message
is in sync. Tailor my remarks and program, based on this research.
- Time permitting, be ready and able to fill in at the last minute
for a missing MC, speaker or panelist. Quote you in advance for
additional add-on programs, or services.
- Come to meeting room a minimum of one hour prior to my
speaking (prefer two hours, if access is available) for a sound
and stage check.
- Be dressed professionally and appropriately for your program.
- Stay out of the way, being unobtrusive, until it is time for me
to speak.
- Provide a brief easily read introduction for the MC. Be
available to coach MC in advance of that introduction.
- Be in the presentation room, set up and ready to go; visible
to you and host/MC well before my introduction is started.
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my program, you can expect me to:
- Walk on stage with energy and a big smile. Open my presentation
with a purpose.
- Never
using off-color or vulgar material of language - ever!
- Employ audience interaction. Work to involve them, through use
of questions, participation, eye contact, and applicable group
or individual exercises, etc.
- Present up to date, relevant, and well-researched material.
- Use humor and stories, where appropriate, to reinforce your theme.
- Use visual aids, as discussed, where appropriate to reinforce
and enhance the look, feel and overall impact of the presentation.
- Be
good natured! React flexibly to problems that crop up, including,
audiovisuals, sound, lights, emergencies, etc. Part of being a
- Be polite and professional with the audience - never being rude!
- Summarize my points. Work to give your people creative ways to
reinforce and remember my key points.
- Ensure my points reinforce your theme, and assist your organization
in reaching its goals.
- Not abuse my time on stage, as an opportunity to sell or give
a pitch. Mention my books or tapes for attribution, if I use something
from them in the presentation, as I would for other sources.
- If
my books or publications are being offered for on-site audience
purchase at your event, I will take less than one minute of my
platform time to inform the audience of that fact and the location
of materials.
- Work within your time frame. Help you keep on schedule. Adjust
to fit your needs.
- Donate one or more of my books or products (as applicable)
for your use as a prize or give away fund raiser for your group.
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the program, you can expect me to:
- Unless travel time is extremely tight, stay around to answer questions
and hear comments. I enjoy making myself available to my audiences.
- Check out and depart quickly - and with minimal effort from you.
- Debrief with you and your team on how to make it better next time
and how to reinforce our time together.
- Follow-up on reinforcement strategies, or materials to build on
my message. Provide copies of newsletters for audience members,
if desired. I have a series of follow up articles for use in reinforcement
of key points.
- Guarantee not to discuss or disclose any private or sensitive
information about you or your organization.
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summary, you can expect a highly professional presenter:
- Who delivers an exceptional value-added presentation.
- Who works with you, to set and achieve your worthwhile goals and
- Who keeps his materials and presentation current, relevant, and
- Who guarantees his performance in writing.
- Who values you and your people, and is dedicated to providing
the most impactful value-added programs possible.
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more about Bob's Innovative Idea-rich, Educational Training Programs
Learn more about Bob's Inspirational
Keynote Presentations
still get comments from people about your presentation. Only a few
speakers have left an impression that lasts that long. You hit a spot
with the tourism people."
Janet Bell, Coordinator
Yukon Economic Forums
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Creative Offices: 1-780-736-0009